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11 Alternatives To reCAPTCHA to Protect Your Site from Spam

RunCloud Team

Feb 23, 2024

8 min read

11 Alternatives To reCAPTCHA to Protect Your Site from Spam

You’ve probably encountered CAPTCHA at some point while browsing the web. It’s that annoying test that asks you to prove you’re human by solving a puzzle, typing some letters, or clicking on some images. Captcha is supposed to protect your website from spam and abuse, but it can also drive away your visitors and customers. …

The 10 Best PHP Frameworks (Complete Guide)

RunCloud Team

Feb 19, 2024

8 min read

The 10 Best PHP Frameworks (Complete Guide)

Are you old enough to remember these early website designs of Amazon and Google from 1997? You don’t have to go anywhere near that far back in time, though, to notice that websites today have become increasingly complex, demanding far more functionality and accessibility. Today, professionally designed websites are able to deliver powerful, robust experiences, …

Cloudflare R2 vs AWS S3 – Full Comparison

RunCloud Team

Oct 24, 2023

8 min read

Cloudflare R2 vs AWS S3 – Full Comparison

Cloud storage is a vital service for developers who need to store and access large amounts of data on the cloud. However, choosing the right cloud storage provider can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider, such as pricing, performance, reliability, compatibility, and features. In this article, we will compare two popular cloud …

How to Optimize Your Site for Google’s Core Web Vitals

RunCloud Team

Oct 12, 2023

13 min read

How to Optimize Your Site for Google’s Core Web Vitals

According to StatCounter, Google dominates the search engine market with an overwhelming 93.37% share, leaving its closest competitor, Bing, with just 2.81%. This market dominance highlights the critical importance for developers to optimize their sites for Google’s ranking algorithms. To rank websites Google employs a variety of methods, including the most recent and crucial method …

The Best Web Development Tools To Level Up Your Stack

RunCloud Team

Mar 24, 2023

24 min read

The Best Web Development Tools To Level Up Your Stack

1.6 billion. That’s a big number.  It’s also how many helpful results Google offers in response to a search for “web development tool”. The sheer number and range of tools available for web development is staggering. What most of us are looking for are developer tools that you can use to optimize your workflow and …

GitHub vs. GitLab vs. Bitbucket – How Are They Different?

RunCloud Team

Oct 14, 2022

5 min read

GitHub vs. GitLab vs. Bitbucket – How Are They Different?

Teamwork is an important part of software development. In most cases, teams often work together and use the code written by their colleagues to incrementally improve and build new software. But with constant changes, it can be difficult to know how the code has evolved over time. That’s where version control systems come into play. …

When And Why To Use Docker

RunCloud Team

Apr 01, 2022

5 min read

When And Why To Use Docker

Docker is a popular containerization platform that has been used by developers and teams to build and scale containerized applications. However, many non-technical professionals are unaware of its capabilities, or why Docker is such a popular choice.  In the following article, we are going to do a deep dive into Docker, and explain why it …

How To Optimize Laravel for Performance (8 Expert Tips)

RunCloud Team

Mar 23, 2022

9 min read

How To Optimize Laravel for Performance (8 Expert Tips)

With over a million websites powered by Laravel, Google pushing the importance of website speed, and users less & less accepting of anything other than an incredibly smooth user experience – some are giving PHP & frameworks like Laravel the reputation of being less performant than other frameworks. While there very well may be truth to …

What is Docker And How Does it Work

RunCloud Team

Mar 18, 2022

6 min read

What is Docker And How Does it Work

Software development is a process that evolves every year, but very few things in the industry have become the standard, like Docker. Since 2013 when it was publicly released, Docker has been used for developing, shipping, and running applications. To this day, it’s a vital part of software development that many experienced developers use. In …


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