Did you know that 53% of visitors will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load?

That means you could be losing a lot of potential customers and revenue if your WordPress site is slow and sluggish.

Fortunately, you can improve your site’s performance using Perfmatters – a WordPress plugin that helps you optimize your site’s performance and speed.

In this article, we will review the Perfmatters plugin, explain its features, pricing, and exactly how to use it effectively.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to make your WordPress site faster, more responsive and more user-friendly with the Perfmatters plugin.

What is Perfmatters?

Perfmatters is a WordPress plugin that lets you disable unnecessary features and scripts that slow down your site. It also allows you to tweak various settings and options to improve your site’s loading time and user experience.

Some of the benefits of using Perfmatters are:

  • It reduces HTTP requests and database queries by removing unused code and features.
  • It improves SEO and conversions by making your site faster and more responsive.
  • It gives you full control over your site’s performance and functionality.
  • It works well with other caching and optimization plugins.

How Much Does Perfmatters Cost?

Perfmatters has three pricing plans based on the number of sites you want to use it on. The plans are:

  • Personal: $24.95 per year for 1 site.
  • Business: $54.95 per year for 3 sites.
  • Unlimited: $124.95 per year for unlimited sites and multisite networks.

All plans come with 1 year of updates and support, a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 10% renewal discount.

How To Install Perfmatters Plugin

After visiting https://perfmatters.io to purchase and download the plugin, installing it is very easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. To install the Perfmatters plugin, open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Plugins” tab. Click on the “Upload Plugin” button and select the ZIP archive of the plugin that you received after purchasing it.
  1. After the Installation is complete, click on “Activate Plugin” to start using it on your site.
  1. Once you have enabled the plugin, go to plugin settings and switch to the “License” tab. Enter your License key to activate all the features of the plugin.
  1. Once you have entered the key, you will see a message that says “License is activated” – along with the validity of your license.

That’s it! You have successfully installed the Perfmatters plugin on your site.

Perfmatters Basic Configuration

Perfmatters has a lot of features that help you optimize your site’s performance. However, it doesn’t enable any optimization features by default. You will have to manually toggle the switch for each feature, and test your site for any issues. If you notice any problem, you can simply turn off the feature and try another one.

If you encounter a problem right away after enabling a feature, it means that your site is using that feature, and you should leave it alone. Here is a list of some of the important settings that you should definitely check out:

  • Script Manager: This feature allows you to control which scripts load on each page or post of your site. You can turn scripts off or on that are either not needed, or cause conflicts. You can also change how the scripts load, such as in the header or footer, asynchronously or deferentially, to improve your site’s speed and compatibility.
  • Lazy Loading: This feature delays the loading of images, videos, iframes and other elements until they are visible on the screen. This reduces the initial page load time and saves bandwidth. You can also enable DOM monitoring, which detects new elements added to the page, and applies lazy loading to them automatically.
  • DNS Prefetch: This feature resolves the domain names of external resources, such as images, fonts, scripts, etc., before they are requested by the browser. This reduces the latency and improves the loading speed of your site. You can also add custom domains to prefetch manually.
  • Preconnect: This is an extension of the DNS Prefetch feature. In addition to resolving domain names, it establishes early connections with external domains before they are requested by the browser. This reduces the round-trip time and improves the loading speed of your site. You can also add custom domains to preconnect manually.
  • Heartbeat Control: This feature controls the frequency of the WordPress heartbeat API, which sends requests to the server every few seconds. These requests can consume server resources and slow down your site. You can reduce or disable the heartbeat to save resources and improve your site’s speed. You can also choose which areas of your site to apply the heartbeat control, such as the dashboard, front-end, post editor, etc.
  • jQuery Migrate: This feature disables jQuery Migrate, which is a script that helps older plugins and themes work with newer versions of jQuery. However, this script can slow down your site and cause errors. You can disable it if you are sure that your site doesn’t need it.
  • Disable Emojis: This feature disables emojis, which are small icons that express emotions. However, these icons can add extra requests and slow down your site. You can disable them if you don’t use them on your site.
  • Remove the wlwmanifest Link: This feature removes the wlwmanifest link, which is a link that helps Windows Live Writer work with WordPress. However, this link can expose your site’s information and slow down your site. You can remove it if you don’t use Windows Live Writer on your site.
  • Disable Comments: This feature disables comments on your site, which can reduce spam and improve your site’s performance. You can disable comments globally, or on specific post types. You can also remove comment-related scripts and styles from your site.
  • Local Google Fonts: This feature hosts Google Fonts locally on your server instead of loading them from Google’s servers. This reduces external requests and improves your site’s speed and compatibility. You can also choose how to display the fonts (swap or block) and disable Google Fonts completely if you don’t use them on your site.
  • Local Analytics: This feature hosts Google Analytics locally on your server instead of loading it from Google’s servers. This reduces external requests and improves your site’s speed and privacy. You can also choose how often to update the analytics script, and exclude certain roles from tracking.

Final Thoughts

Perfmatters is a powerful and versatile plugin that helps you optimize your WordPress site’s performance and speed. It has a lot of features that let you disable unnecessary features and scripts, tweak various settings and options, clean up your database, use a CDN, host analytics locally, and more.

If you’re looking for a plugin that can make your site faster, more responsive and more user-friendly, then Perfmatters is a great choice for you.

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