Creating regular backups is essential for maintaining the integrity of your web applications, configuration, and databases. Here’s how you can set up automatic backups on RunCloud using Linode Object Storage:

  1. Create a Linode Object Storage Bucket: First, log in to your Linode dashboard and navigate to “Object Storage”. On this screen, click on “Create a Bucket” and select a region for your bucket (preferably one close to your server location).
  2. Generate Access Keys: In the Linode dashboard, go to the “Access Keys” Tab. Generate a new token and copy both the Access Key and Secret Key. You’ll need these to connect RunCloud to your Linode space.
  1. Integrate with RunCloud:
    • Log in to your RunCloud dashboard.
    • Navigate to Settings > Integration > Akamai (Linode) Object Storage.
    • Click “Add Integration.”
    • Provide a name for the integration.
    • Enter the Access Key, Secret Key, region, and the bucket name you created earlier.
    • Click “Save Integration” to start using Linode Object Storage as your backup storage.
  1. Configure Backup Settings: When creating backups in RunCloud, choose External Storage and select Linode Object Storage from the drop-down as your storage option.
  1. View and Manage Backups: After creating the backup schedule, RunCloud will automatically create your first backup. In the backup dashboard, you’ll see details sucha s the web application name, server, storage option used, and backup frequency.
  1. Verify Your Backup: Once your backup has been created, you can view it in your storage provider’s dashboard as well. Navigate to your bucket and look for the folder that matches the name of your web application. In this folder, you can find a compressed archive of all your website files, database, and configurations.

Remember to maintain off-site backups for production servers and review Linode’s pricing and terms before using their storage service. RunCloud Business accounts include 30 GB of free backup storage, but external storage services may have separate costs.