With phpMyAdmin, you can perform various operations on your databases, such as creating, editing, deleting, importing, exporting, etc. You can use phpMyAdmin to access any database that belongs to your web applications, as long as you have the database username and password.

To install and access phpMyAdmin in RunCloud, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your RunCloud dashboard and select the server that has the web applications that you want to access with phpMyAdmin.
  2. Create a new Web Application and select phpMyAdmin.
  3. Provide basic details such as the name, domain, PHP version, etc. You can use either a free domain or your own domain (or subdomain) for your phpMyAdmin web application.
  4. Click on Add Web Application and wait for RunCloud to install phpMyAdmin on your server.
  1. Once the installation has finished, click on the phpMyAdmin web application that you have created and click on the URL to launch it.
  2. You will then see a login page where you’ll need to enter your database username and password to access phpMyAdmin.
  1. If you don’t know your database username or password, you can find them in the configuration files of your web applications, such as wp-config.php for WordPress. You can use the File Manager feature in RunCloud to open and view these files.
  2. You can also find your database username by clicking on Database from the main navigation menu, and then clicking on the database that belongs to your web application.
  3. Once you enter the correct database username and password, you will see the phpMyAdmin interface where you can manage your databases.

Note: You should keep your phpMyAdmin URL and login credentials private and secure, as they can give access to your databases to anyone who knows them.

You should also be careful when using phpMyAdmin, as any changes or errors that you make on your databases may affect your web applications. You should always backup your databases before making any modifications, using the Backup feature in RunCloud.

Updating phpMyAdmin

It is always advisable to have the latest and most secure version of phpMyAdmin installed on your server. RunCloud makes it very easy for you to upgrade your installation.

Just navigate to your phpMyAdmin application in the RunCloud dashboard and click on Toolbox.

Then, simply click the Update button to ensure you have the latest version of phpMyAdmin, if applicable.