When you publish a website on the internet, anyone who knows its address can see it when it’s not blocked by a firewall. Although this is the desired outcome in most cases, this isn’t always true.
When you publish your site using RunCloud, you can take advantage of our Site Authentication functionality, which allows you to protect your website with a username and password.
This functionality is ideal for teams who wish to publish their website on the live internet for testing and development purposes. Adding authentication to your site will allow you to restrict access to your website to only authorized users, such as your clients or your team members.
To enable password protection for your website in RunCloud, follow these steps:
- Log in to your RunCloud dashboard and select the web application that you want to protect.
- In the web application dashboard, click on Tools from the sub-navigation menu, and scroll down to the Site Authentication section.
- Click on “Set Password Authentication” and enter a username and password that you want to use for your website.
Finally, click on “Enable HTTP Authentication” and wait for RunCloud to apply the changes.
Now, when you try to visit your website, you will see a login prompt that asks you for your username and password. You’ll need to enter the same credentials that you set up in RunCloud to access your website.
If you enter the wrong credentials or click on Cancel, you will see a “401 Unauthorized” error page.
You can disable or change the password protection for your website at any time by using the same steps, and clicking on either Disable HTTP Authentication or Edit Authentication.