Explore Blog

How To Use SSH Keys with PuTTY on RunCloud

RunCloud Team

Dec 28, 2017

3 min read

How To Use SSH Keys with PuTTY on RunCloud

SSH keys are more secure than passwords and can help you log in without having to remember long passwords. With RunCloud you can easily add your ssh key to your server. If you are running an *NIX type OS such as MacOS or any Linux distro, ssh is already included with your OS. You can …

NGINX Caching Tutorial for WordPress

Ahmad Fikrizaman

Oct 28, 2017

4 min read

NGINX Caching Tutorial for WordPress

In this tutorial we will show you how to take advantage of Nginx caching to speed up your WordPress web application. 2020 Update : Easy Nginx FastCGI/Proxy Cache in RunCloud IMPORTANT! For RunCloud users, we have implemented Nginx Caching in our new feature, RunCache, as part of RunCloud Hub. You can apply RunCache to your …

Using Mailgun To Send Transactional Email From WordPress

Ahmad Fikrizaman

Jul 23, 2017

3 min read

Using Mailgun To Send Transactional Email From WordPress

What is Transactional Email Transactional email is the email sent when something triggered from your Web Application such as resetting the user password. My WordPress didn’t send email This is a common problem if you didn’t configure your server to relay email. Configuring the server to send email is hard. How hard it is? You …

Redirect to HTTPS Using htaccess Behind Nginx Proxy

Ahmad Fikrizaman

Jul 01, 2017

< 1 min read

Redirect to HTTPS Using htaccess Behind Nginx Proxy

Sometimes when building your own web application from scratch, you might want to force your web application to redirect to HTTPS. You can achieve that with HSTS, but you are thinking it is better to add the redirection rules to the .htaccess too. So how to redirect to HTTPS using .htaccess behind Nginx Proxy? The …

Laravel With GIT Deployment The Right Way

RunCloud Team

Jan 15, 2017

4 min read

Laravel With GIT Deployment The Right Way

GIT is the best tool for developers to work on their code. If your code is being maintained by multiple developers, it cana be a problem to the GIT repository where you can find conflicts when you merge from multiple upstreams. The main features of RunCloud is the GIT deployment where you can push your …


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