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3 Free Ways To Migrate WordPress From Shared Hosting To Cloud Server

RunCloud Team

Jun 27, 2019

5 min read

3 Free Ways To Migrate WordPress From Shared Hosting To Cloud Server

WordPress Migration From Shared To Cloud You probably start your website hosting from a small shared hosting account. As your website grows, you will hit the limitations of shared hosting, and then you know it is time to consider moving to a better hosting environment like cloud hosting. Cloud hosting is more reliable, higher scalability, …

The 7 Best WordPress Staging Plugins to Create a Test Site

RunCloud Team

May 08, 2019

4 min read

The 7 Best WordPress Staging Plugins to Create a Test Site

It is important to test any new changes and updates before apply to your live site. It can prevent some unexpected errors and downtime. We use a Staging site to create a testing environment. A staging site is a duplicate copy (or clone) of your live website. It allows you to do customizations, test new …

How to Block IP Address Using WordPress .htaccess File to Stop Bad Visitors

RunCloud Team

Aug 22, 2018

3 min read

How to Block IP Address Using WordPress .htaccess File to Stop Bad Visitors

In this tutorial, we show you how to block bad visitors by their IP addresses using only Apache .htaccess file. No WordPress plugin required. Your public website is on the internet for anyone, including bad visitors like bad bots, spammers, hackers, malicious users. They are annoying, taking up your web server resources, and potential security …

NGINX Caching Tutorial for WordPress

Ahmad Fikrizaman

Oct 28, 2017

4 min read

NGINX Caching Tutorial for WordPress

In this tutorial we will show you how to take advantage of Nginx caching to speed up your WordPress web application. 2020 Update : Easy Nginx FastCGI/Proxy Cache in RunCloud IMPORTANT! For RunCloud users, we have implemented Nginx Caching in our new feature, RunCache, as part of RunCloud Hub. You can apply RunCache to your …

Using Mailgun To Send Transactional Email From WordPress

Ahmad Fikrizaman

Jul 23, 2017

3 min read

Using Mailgun To Send Transactional Email From WordPress

What is Transactional Email Transactional email is the email sent when something triggered from your Web Application such as resetting the user password. My WordPress didn’t send email This is a common problem if you didn’t configure your server to relay email. Configuring the server to send email is hard. How hard it is? You …


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