Explore Blog

RunCloud Now Supports PHP 7.3

RunCloud Team

Jan 08, 2019

3 min read

RunCloud Now Supports PHP 7.3

However, if you decide to deploy PHP 7.3 onto your servers, we would like to let you know that if you rely on memcached for caching, you might need to put it on hold first as this module is not available yet for PHP 7.3. Since we at RunCloud roll out our own PHP version, …

Looking for an alternative to phpMyAdmin? Look no further…

RunCloud Team

Dec 19, 2018

5 min read

Looking for an alternative to phpMyAdmin? Look no further…

Most small to medium-sized websites and web applications use MySQL as the database of choice for back-end storage. In fact, many of the world’s largest and fastest-growing organizations, including Facebook, Google, and Adobe rely on the stability and maturity of MySQL to power their high-volume websites, business-critical systems and packaged Software as a Service (SaaS) …

How to Change/Reset MySQL Root Password on Ubuntu Linux?

RunCloud Team

Dec 12, 2018

4 min read

How to Change/Reset MySQL Root Password on Ubuntu Linux?

Did you forget the root password for your MySQL Server? Or maybe you provisioned your RunCloud server via the auto-install method and never had the need to use your password in the first place? Whatever may be the case, if you want to reset your MySQL password then you’ve come to the right place! In …

Why Authentication Using SSH Public Key is Better than Using Password and How Do They Work?

RunCloud Team

Nov 28, 2018

4 min read

Why Authentication Using SSH Public Key is Better than Using Password and How Do They Work?

What is SSH? SSH, or Secure Shell, is a network protocol that allows users to remotely manage their servers or computers over the Internet, in which the communication between the two machines are strongly encrypted and protected from being eavesdropped. The user runs a client on his or her machine and the network connection carries …

How to Create Wildcard Subdomain for Unlimited Subsites

RunCloud Team

Oct 17, 2018

2 min read

How to Create Wildcard Subdomain for Unlimited Subsites

What is Wildcard subdomain Wildcard subdomain is a wildcard (catch-all) DNS record that will match request for non-existent subdomains. It is specified by a “*” as part of the domain name, example: *.yourdomain.com. With wildcard subdomain setup, you do not need to create a DNS record for each subdomain. Example: unlimited subdomain for WordPress multisite …

How to Create a Subdomain for RunCloud Web Application

RunCloud Team

Aug 29, 2018

2 min read

How to Create a Subdomain for RunCloud Web Application

Subdomain is an easy and free way to categorize your website content and separate them from the main website. In this tutorial, you will learn what is a subdomain, the use cases, and how to host a web application at subdomain using RunCloud. What is a Subdomain? A subdomain is a domain that is a …

How to Block IP Address Using WordPress .htaccess File to Stop Bad Visitors

RunCloud Team

Aug 22, 2018

3 min read

How to Block IP Address Using WordPress .htaccess File to Stop Bad Visitors

In this tutorial, we show you how to block bad visitors by their IP addresses using only Apache .htaccess file. No WordPress plugin required. Your public website is on the internet for anyone, including bad visitors like bad bots, spammers, hackers, malicious users. They are annoying, taking up your web server resources, and potential security …

Cloudflare DNS for RunCloud (Security & Performance)

RunCloud Team

Apr 18, 2018

4 min read

Cloudflare DNS for RunCloud (Security & Performance)

Cloudflare DNS is one of best DNS providers in the world. It offers free accounts so everyone can not only manage their domain names, but also benefit from the additional security and performance enabled by their integrated features. In this article, we will share some tips to enable you to use Cloudflare with RunCloud and …

RunCloud API Released, MariaDB 10.2, Change IP Address Feature

RunCloud Team

Mar 04, 2018

3 min read

RunCloud API Released, MariaDB 10.2, Change IP Address Feature

RunCloud developers are always working hard to bring you new and better features. Today, we are happy to announce that the RunCloud API is now available for everyone! Another new feature added today is the ability to reconnect a RunCloud-managed server to the RunCloud Dashboard after its IP address has changed. You can do this …

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