To update your Name, photo, or other settings, you need to access the profile settings page from the sidebar menu. On the Settings page, you will see the following sections:

Basic Section

The Basic section shows information about you, such as your first name, last name, and timezone. You can edit your first name and last name by clicking on the text fields and typing in your desired changes.

To save your changes, click on the Save My Details button at the bottom of the section. To change your avatar or profile picture, you have two options: Use Gravatar or Use Initials

This section also shows the current email address that you use to log in to RunCloud. Refer to our dedicated documentation page to learn how to change your email address.

Runcloud account details

Billing Details Section

This section allows you to enter your billing information for invoicing purposes. You can enter your company name, billing email, address, city, postal code, state, country, tax country, tax ID, and business ID.

RunCloud billing details

To save your billing details, click on the Update Billing Details button at the bottom of the section. To remove your billing details, click on the Remove link.

RunCloud company details