In this tutorial, we will show you how to install “Imagick” on RunCloud Docker. The process of installing other extensions is similar.

Step 1: Check Whether the Extension is Already Activated

Before installing the extension, you should check whether it is already installed or not. A quick way to check “Imagick” is by using the WordPress Site Health tool, which can be found under Tools > Site Health in your WordPress dashboard.

If you go to the Info tab and scroll down to the “Media Handling” section, you will see Imagick version. If the version is not listed there, it means it is not installed or enabled.

Screenshot of WordPress site health tool

Step 2: Update the Environment Variables

You’ll need to go to your RunCloud dashboard and click on the “Services” button in the left menu. This is where you can manage your PHP runtimes and environment variables.

You will see a list of PHP runtimes that are available for your web application. Each runtime has a different version and configuration of PHP. You can choose the one that suits your needs best.

Screenshot of RunCloud services tab

To install an extension, you’ll need to change the environment variables of the PHP runtime where you want to install it.

To do this, click on the “” icon next to the runtime and select “Change Environment Variables” from the menu.

You will then see a form where you can edit the environment variables for the runtime.

Screenshot of RunCloud environment variables form

Remove the name of the extension from the disabled list. For example, if you want to install Imagick, you need to delete “Imagick,” from the field.

Make sure to remove the trailing comma after deleting or adding an extension name. There should not be two consecutive commas in the text field.

Screenshot of RunCloud environment variables form with Imagick removed from disabled list

After editing the environment variables, click on the “Update Environment Variables” button at the bottom of the form. This will save your changes but won’t apply them.

You need to repeat this step for each PHP environment where you want to install the extension. For example, if you have multiple web applications running on different PHP versions, you need to change the environment variables for each one.

Note: Enabling the extension for a PHP runtime enables it for all the web applications that use that runtime. This includes all the existing applications as well as an new applications that may be created in the future.

Step 3: Deploy The Changes

After changing the environment variables for all the runtimes where you want to install the extension, you need to deploy your changes. To do this, scroll back to the top of the Services tab and click on “Deploy“.

This will deploy all your changes in one go and restart your web application.

Screenshot of RunCloud deploy button and progress bar

Step 4: Check Whether The Extension is Now Activated

Once the deployment is complete, you can go back to your WordPress site and check the site health tool again. When you refresh the page, you should see that Imagick version number is now displayed correctly, this means Imagick is now installed as an active PHP extension.

Screenshot of WordPress site health tool with Imagick enabled