RunCloud Redis Object Caching is a feature that allows you to use Redis, an in-memory data structure, to cache the results of complex database queries in WordPress. This can reduce the server load, improve the PHP execution time, and make your dynamic WordPress site faster.
To use Redis Caching, you need to install and activate the RunCloud Hub plugin on your WordPress site, and enable the Redis Object Cache option.
Redis Full-Page Caching
Start by making sure that Redis is running on your server. In your RunCloud dashboard, open the server menu and look for the “Services” tab in the left menu.
There you should see the list of all the available services. Make sure the “redis” service is “in use“. If it is disabled, you can turn it on.

Next, locate the web application for which you want to enable the Redis Object Caching. In the RunCloud dashboard, look for the “RunCloud Hub” option in the side menu, open it, and click on “Let’s Get Started“.

On the next screen, select “Redis Full-Page Caching“, and tick the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions.
Now click on “Install RunCloud Hub” to begin the installation.

Redis Object Caching
After the RunCloud Hub is installed on your site, you can configure object caching from the WordPress dashboard. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Settings > RunCloud Hub > Redis Object Cache.
On this screen, you should see a message saying “Object cache is enabled for this site“. If you don’t see the message, you can enable caching by clicking the
“Enable Object Cache” button.