PHP functions and features are the built-in commands or capabilities that PHP provides to perform various tasks, such as sending emails, executing shell commands, manipulating files, etc.

By default, RunCloud has disabled many PHP functions and features that may pose a security risk or cause performance issues for your web application.

However, you do have the option to enable or disable any PHP function or feature that you need or want for your web application.

You can do this by using the Settings section of your web application in RunCloud.

To enable or disable PHP functions and features in RunCloud, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your RunCloud dashboard and select the web application that you want to edit.
  2. Click on Settings from the sub-navigation menu and scroll down to the “PHP Settings” section.
  3. You will see a list of PHP functions and features that are disabled by default, separated by commas. You can enable any of them by removing them from the list, or disable any of them by adding them to the list.
  4. Click on “Update PHP Settings” and wait for RunCloud to apply the changes.

For example, if you want to enable the shell_exec function, which allows you to run shell commands from your PHP code, you’ll need to remove it from the disable_functions list. If you want to disable the mail function, which allows you to send emails from your PHP code, you need to add it to the disable_functions list.

Note: You should be careful when enabling or disabling PHP functions and features, as this may affect the functionality or security of your web application. You should only enable or disable the ones that you really need or want, and leave the rest as they are. You should also back up your web application before making any changes, as RunCloud support may be limited if you encounter any errors or issues.