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How to Clone a WordPress Website (An Easy, Step-by-Step Guide)

RunCloud Team

Jul 14, 2023

3 min read

How to Clone a WordPress Website (An Easy, Step-by-Step Guide)

Have you ever wondered how to create a duplicate WordPress website with all of the identical settings and configurations? This is where website cloning comes in.  Website cloning is the process of creating an exact replica of an existing website. It’s a popular practice among website developers and designers to clone websites for both testing …

The Ultimate Guide To Install NextCloud Using RunCloud

RunCloud Team

Jul 07, 2023

9 min read

The Ultimate Guide To Install NextCloud Using RunCloud

NextCloud is a self-hosted productivity platform that offers industry-leading, on-premise content collaboration functionality. It’s an alternative to Dropbox or Google Drive, but with the advantage that it can be installed on your own server, ensuring that your data remains under your control. You can use NextCloud to share and collaborate on documents, send and receive …

How To Monitor Your Web App’s RAM & CPU Usage with Netdata

RunCloud Team

Jun 27, 2023

5 min read

How To Monitor Your Web App’s RAM & CPU Usage with Netdata

Netdata is a powerful tool that can help you monitor your servers with ease and efficiency. It’s a distributed, real-time, performance, and health monitoring platform that can collect and display thousands of metrics from your servers, hardware, containers, and applications, including RAM and CPU usage. Netdata has many features and benefits that make it a …

Fixing Redirect Loop on Cloudflare SSL

RunCloud Team

May 11, 2023

3 min read

Fixing Redirect Loop on Cloudflare SSL

If you are using Cloudflare proxy to hide your server’s IP address from the internet, then you might encounter a glitch that causes visitors to get stuck in a redirection loop. Eventually, the request times out with an error message saying, “Too many redirects”. In this article, we will investigate why websites might get stuck …

How to install & setup Ghost (NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed)

RunCloud Team

May 03, 2023

6 min read

How to install & setup Ghost (NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed)

Ghost is a free and open-source blogging platform built with Node.js. As a fast, modern WordPress alternative, Ghost is focused completely on professional publishing. If you only want to publish content on the web and don’t need the additional features offered by WordPress, then Ghost is a great choice for you. In this post, we will discuss how …

How to Send Email from PHP (With Guided Walkthrough)

RunCloud Team

Apr 08, 2023

8 min read

How to Send Email from PHP (With Guided Walkthrough)

In most cases, we normally recommend using transactional email services such as Mailgun, Amazon SES, or Mandrill rather than sending emails from your own service. But if you are feeling enthusiastic you can even set up your own server too.  That’s what we’re going to cover in this article. Take your tech skills to the …

The 19 Best & Most Reliable Transactional Email Services 2023

RunCloud Team

Feb 21, 2023

10 min read

The 19 Best & Most Reliable Transactional Email Services 2023

Do you want to avoid inconsistent email delivery and high bounce rates? Look no further! We’ve done the research and investigated the top 19 transactional email services. From delivery rates to spam scores, we’ve evaluated every aspect to bring you the most reliable and efficient options on the market.  In this article, we will review …

DKIM – What Is It & Why Your Emails Need It

RunCloud Team

Feb 16, 2023

5 min read

DKIM – What Is It & Why Your Emails Need It

Are you tired of seeing your emails end up in the spam folder? Want to protect your business from phishing attacks? Then you need to know about DKIM! Recent studies show that using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) significantly increases email deliverability and reduces the risk of phishing attacks. It really can be that easy –  …

How To Resolve The “Email Address is not Verified” Error With AWS SES

RunCloud Team

Oct 20, 2022

2 min read

How To Resolve The “Email Address is not Verified” Error With AWS SES

Amazon Simple Email Service, also known as AWS SES, is an email marketing platform that you can use to send and receive emails through your own addresses and domains.  AWS SES can be used to send transactional emails, including any personalized emails or for newsletter campaigns. It’s a highly modular platform that you can use …

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