If you are using Docker, you can create a system user that can access and manage your Docker containers. You can also specify the shell and the login container for the user if you use an rc-shell.

Here are the steps to create a system user for Docker containers:

  1. Go to the System User section and click on “Add New System User
  2. Enter a username for the user
  3. Choose whether to grant the user sudo privileges or not. If you grant sudo privileges, the user will be able to manage Docker services.
Creating a sudo user on RunCloud
  1. If you don’t grant sudo privileges, your user will log into a jailed shell. This will allow the user to execute php and composer commands, but restrict their access to system files and services.
Creating a jailed ssh user on RunCloud
  1. Click on “Save System User“. This will create a user account on your server with the specified credentials.

    You can view a list of all users in the “System User” tab.
listing all users on RunCloud

After you have created a system user, you should add SSH keys, configure SSH notifications, and harden your server before doing anything else.