- Install phpMyAdmin using RunCloud dashboard. Go to your server’s dashboard and click on the Database tab. Then click on the Install phpMyAdmin button and follow the instructions.
- Locate your MySQL login credentials. If you are using WordPress, you can get them from the wp-config.php file in your web app root directory. You will need the database name, username, and password.
- Go to the URL of your phpMyAdmin installation – this will be available in your RunCloud dashboard. Log in to phpMyAdmin using the credentials that you obtained in step 2.
- Export the selected database. On the left sidebar, click on the database name that you want to back up. Then click on the Export tab on the top menu. Choose the Quick option, and click on the “Export” button. This will save the SQL file to your local computer.
- Create a fresh database user and database from the RunCloud dashboard. Go back to your server’s dashboard and click on the Database tab. Then click on the Create Database User button, and enter a username and password for your new user. Next, click on the Create Database button and enter a name for your new database, and then grant access to the newly created user.
- Log in to phpMyAdmin using the fresh user. Go to the URL of your phpMyAdmin installation again, and enter your new username and password.
- On the left sidebar, click on the new database name that you created. Then click on the Import tab on the top menu. Click on the Choose File button and select the SQL file that you exported earlier. Then click on the Go button and wait for the import process to finish.

That’s it! You have successfully backed up and restored a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin and RunCloud.