To back up your RunCloud server to Vultr Object Storage, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new bucket on Vultr. Go to your Vultr dashboard and click on Products > Object Storage.
  1. Click on Add Object Storage and choose a region for your bucket. You can use any region that is close to your server location. Enter a name for your bucket and click on Deploy Now.
  1. Next, you need to get the API keys for your account on Vultr. Go to the settings of your bucket and click on Overview. Copy the Access Key and the Secret Key. You will need these keys to connect your RunCloud server to your Vultr bucket.
  1. On your RunCloud dashboard, click on Settings > Integration > Vultr Object Storage.

    Click on Add Integration and enter a name, your Access Key and Secret Key, and the region. Then save the integration settings to start using it.

You can now choose the Vultr Object Storage storage type that you created in the previous step when creating a backup.

After creating a backup of your RunCloud server to Vultr Object Storage, you will be able to view and manage your backups on both the RunCloud and Vultr dashboards.

Note: RunCloud Business accounts come with 30 GB of free backup storage. If you are using Vultr storage, Vultr will bill you separately for this usage. Please check the pricing and terms of service of Vultr before using their storage service.