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Containerized Core – A Seemingly Small (Yet Important) Improvement To Server Management

RunCloud Team

Jul 05, 2023

5 min read

Containerized Core – A Seemingly Small (Yet Important) Improvement To Server Management

Docker is a technology that allows you to run applications in isolated environments called containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and scalable, making them ideal for cloud-native development and deployment. Did you know that containerization saw a massive leap in adoption in 2022, with over 31% of developers worldwide stating that they are running container technologies? …

How To Setup Amazon Lightsail Server To Host Your Websites

RunCloud Team

Jul 05, 2023

6 min read

How To Setup Amazon Lightsail Server To Host Your Websites

Amazon Lightsail is an easy-to-use cloud service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that offers you everything needed to build an application or website, and comes with predictable pricing. It’s one of the top choices to host your website. If you want to host your site using the AWS infrastructure without having to deal with the …

How To Setup UpCloud Server To Host Your Websites

RunCloud Team

Jul 03, 2023

4 min read

How To Setup UpCloud Server To Host Your Websites

UpCloud is a popular European cloud server provider that offers affordable cloud hosting services across the globe. What makes it especially striking is that UpCloud gives you a 100% Uptime SLA – which makes it one of the top choices for hosting your websites. UpCloud uses its own proprietary MaxIOPS storage technology to deliver industry-leading …

How To Monitor Your Web App’s RAM & CPU Usage with Netdata

RunCloud Team

Jun 27, 2023

5 min read

How To Monitor Your Web App’s RAM & CPU Usage with Netdata

Netdata is a powerful tool that can help you monitor your servers with ease and efficiency. It’s a distributed, real-time, performance, and health monitoring platform that can collect and display thousands of metrics from your servers, hardware, containers, and applications, including RAM and CPU usage. Netdata has many features and benefits that make it a …

How to Test WordPress 6 — and Every Subsequent Release

RunCloud Team

Jun 21, 2023

7 min read

How to Test WordPress 6 — and Every Subsequent Release

Is your website losing potential customers? Shocking statistics reveal that 64% of visitors abandon slow and glitchy sites! It’s vital that you test your websites thoroughly to provide your users with a first-rate browsing experience if you want to stand any chance of increasing your sales. In this article, we will detail the steps you …

Upgrading Your Server’s Operating System on RunCloud

RunCloud Team

May 11, 2023

6 min read

Upgrading Your Server’s Operating System on RunCloud

If you’re still using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), it’s time to start thinking about upgrading. As of May 31, 2023, Ubuntu 18.04 will reach its End of Standard Support (EOSS) date, meaning that it will no longer receive security updates, bug fixes, or technical support from Canonical. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance …

How to install & setup Ghost (NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed)

RunCloud Team

May 03, 2023

6 min read

How to install & setup Ghost (NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed)

Ghost is a free and open-source blogging platform built with Node.js. As a fast, modern WordPress alternative, Ghost is focused completely on professional publishing. If you only want to publish content on the web and don’t need the additional features offered by WordPress, then Ghost is a great choice for you. In this post, we will discuss how …

How to Install and Setup A WordPress Multisite Network

RunCloud Team

Apr 20, 2023

6 min read

How to Install and Setup A WordPress Multisite Network

Are you tired of managing multiple WordPress sites individually? Then say ‘goodbye’ to the hassle and ‘hello’ to efficiency with WordPress Multisite Network! Discover how you can manage all your sites from one dashboard with ease using this game-changing feature.  In this guide, we’ll walk through what a WordPress multisite network is and discuss whether …

How to Send Email from PHP (With Guided Walkthrough)

RunCloud Team

Apr 08, 2023

8 min read

How to Send Email from PHP (With Guided Walkthrough)

In most cases, we normally recommend using transactional email services such as Mailgun, Amazon SES, or Mandrill rather than sending emails from your own service. But if you are feeling enthusiastic you can even set up your own server too.  That’s what we’re going to cover in this article. Take your tech skills to the …

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